
When Will My Life Begin钢琴简谱-Mandy Moore演唱

发布日期:2022-12-13 21:13:12     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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When Will My Life Begin钢琴简谱-Mandy Moore演唱1

When Will My Life Begin钢琴简谱-Mandy Moore演唱2

When Will My Life Begin钢琴简谱-Mandy Moore演唱3

When Will My Life Begin钢琴简谱-Mandy Moore演唱4

When Will My Life Begin是为了2010年迪士尼经典动画长片《魔发奇缘》而制作的歌曲。由亚伦•孟肯作曲、葛伦•史雷特作词、Mandy Moore演唱。影片故事主角是位有着一头长发的女孩乐佩,她的头发受到魔法的控制,也因此她自幼居住在一座与世隔绝的高塔上,直到有一天,有一位痞子帅哥大盗弗林•莱德由于身手矫健,当他来到高塔下方,发现这高塔正是最佳的藏身处,于时他徒手爬上了高塔,殊不知高塔上原来有着一位美少女,一场奇缘就此展开。

同时,网站还为大家提供了《I See the Light》曲谱下载

When Will My Life Begin歌词:

Seven A.M. the usual morning line-up

Start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean

Polish and wax do laundry and mop and shine up

Sweep again and by then it's like seven-fifteen

And so I'll read a book

Or maybe two or three

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking

Paper mache a bit of ballet and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy candle-making

Then I'll stretch

Maybe sketch

Take a climb

Sew a dress

And I'll be reread the books if I have time to spare

I'll paint the walls some more

I'm sure there's room somewhere

And then I'll brush and brush

And brush and brush my hair

Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wonderin'

And wonderin'

And wonderin'

And wonderin'

When will my life begin

Tomorrow night

The lights will appear

Just like they do on my birthday each year

What is it like

Out there where they glow

Now that I'm older

Mother might just let me go

Tags: My(519) Life(127) When(99) Will(96) begin(9) Moore(7) Mandy(5)




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